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Salpiglossis Sinuata Mix - Painted Tongue

Regular price £0.29 GBP
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Salpiglossis Sinuata Mix Painted Tongue

Salpiglossis Sinuata Mix – Painted Tongue     Pollinator & Pot graphic

Approximate Seed Quantity: 45

Also known as Painted Tongue this colourful annual provides a carpet of rich, contrasting colours that will enhance any border or container. They also make great cut flowers. Half-hardy annual. Download sowing guide

  • Days to Germination: 7-14 @ 21-23°C
  • Sow thinly in trays of seed compost, gently pressing to create good contact
  • Only lightly cover and place in a plastic bag or use a propagator to retain moisture
  • Height: 60 cm
  • Location: Warm and sunny
  • Grow on and transplant to 7cm pots when large enough to handle
  • Plant out to final position when all danger of frost has passed and water every few days until established
  • Full sun but will tolerate some afternoon shade, especially in warmer climates