May 2022


Hi Everyone

If this is your first visit then welcome to the Seeds To Suit Community! The monthly Newsletter was released yesterday to our subscribers. If you want to be amongst the first to hear of our new arrivals, promotions and offers then all you have to do is to click Subscribe and go from there. As a subscriber you can also add discount code DISCOUNT10 at checkout and you will receive 10% off your first order!

We are a waste not want not organisation and strive to practice what we preach. We encourage customer participation and this month we had a guest writer, Sally Picking, provide us with an intriguing recipe. We have shown it below so that you don't miss out. Also below is a quick round of what you can sow this month but it is by no means a complete list so don't forget to browse the website for more products.


"Loving a quirky recipe and using up things that would normally be thrown away I was curious about the lovely green plume from my bunch of carrots.

Apparently it’s a thing, tasting like parsley although it can be slightly bitter. Recipes online include chimichurri and pesto as well as chopped up in salads and as a garnish.

The recipes I saw for pesto often required spinach leaves to balance out the bitterness, however as I had no spinach and to buy some seemed to defeat the purpose I decided to adapt and see how I got on."


Carrot tops - I had the tops off a bunch of about 8 carrots 

Unsalted roasted cashews approx 65g

1 Garlic clove roughly chopped

Good glug of Olive oil

Grated Parmesan or gran pandano 1 heaped tablespoon

Squeeze of lemon juice; after adjusting to my taste I used just under half a lemon

Salt and pepper to taste


Remove the tough stems from the carrot tops

Blitz all the ingredients together.  

"The rest is personal to your own taste I added a few more cashews, Parmesan ,lemon juice and olive oil to get to my preferred taste and a pesto like consistency.  This should be ok to be stored in your fridge for a week in an airtight jar/ container  I would suggest just putting a film of olive oil on the top to keep fresh. 

This was a lovely herby pesto with no bitterness at all."



Sow tender plants indoors so that they are a little more up to the challenge and ready for outdoor life after all risk of frost has passed. Remember to protect from slugs and snails.


Cabbage, Kale, Green beans, dwarf or climbing, Runner Beans, Cucumber, Courgette. Aubergine, Sweetcorn, Squash, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Sprouting Broccoli, Basil, Kohl Rabi (go on - dare to be different!) & too many flowers to mention so fill your boots!

Direct Sow

Cornflowers, Dill, Fennel, Wild Flowers, Spinach, Wild Garlic, Sunflowers, Pin Cushion Flowers, Beans & Peas (but do protect the shoots from slugs and snails), Parsnips, Turnips & Carrots

Progression Sow

Radish, Beetroot, Spring Onion, Lettuce, Salad Leaves, Spinach, Watercress, Parsnips, Turnips and Carrots (to lengthen your harvest)

Browse the website to discover more!

Anyway, that's enough from us. Happy gardening and we will see you further on down the garden path!

Seeds To Suit