What to Sow in June?
June is a great month for sowing seeds. Both the air and soil temperature will have warmed up (hopefully!)
Biennials such as Foxgloves can be sown for over wintering for next Spring/Summer but you can also sow a second round of annual flowers to ensure you have a riot of colour in your garden from mid-summer through to early autumn.
Limnanthes (Poached Egg Plant); Nasturtiums; Night Scented Stocks to name just a few!
As for veg, as well as continuing to sow all your progression seeds, Beets, Radish, Lettuce etc well there is plenty to go at!
Spring Onions - sow from now until August; Broccoli, Florence Fennel and for Pumpkins & Squashes - June is your last chance saloon!
Happy growing and we will see you soon further down the garden path!
Seeds To Suit