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Poppy Ballerina Mix

Regular price £0.49 GBP
Regular price £0.00 GBP Sale price £0.49 GBP
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     orange ballerina poppies  

"California Poppies" by Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. The image above is a cropped version

Poppy – Ballerina Mix     bee butterfly graphic

Approximate Seed Quantity: 125

California Poppy Ballerina Mix is great at providing ground cover and thrives on neglect and drier conditions. The range of colours goes from orange to yellow, white, rose, lilac and scarlet. The flowers are double to semi-double and reach 30-40cm in height. Flowers May to August and readily self-seeds. Annual. Download sowing guide

  • Sow seeds from late summer to late April in a sunny location
  • Prefers recently disturbed soil with good drainage
  • Sow direct to site as they do not transplant well, scatter sparingly and rake in
  • Water well until germination
  • Thin to 15-30cm apart
  • Dead head to encourage further flowers
  • Leave a few to aid self-seeding