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Seeds To Suit

Evening Primrose Yellow

Regular price £0.29 GBP
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Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose - Yellow     Bee & Butterfly graphic

Approximate Seed Quantity: 50

This herbaceous annual produces large yellow flowers that open late afternoon and throughout the evening, giving off a sublime scent. At home in borders and as part of a naturalised meadow setting. Hugely attractive to all our pollinators and readily self-seeds. The plants reach a height ranging from 60cm to 1.5m. Download sowing guide

  • Sow late winter to mid-spring on the surface of fine seed compost. Cover very lightly
  • Soil to be damp but not wet
  • Use a propagator or seal in a polythene bag and exclude light until after germination
  • Days to germination: 14-21
  • Optimum Temperature: 10-15°C
  • When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant to 7cm pots and grow on
  • Plant out after all danger of frost has passed
  • Plant spacing: 30cm
  • Full sun
  • Soil: ordinary, dry or moist but well drained
  • Can be direct sown as soon as the soil has warmed and you see signs of weeds growing. Just lightly rake in.